Our standard server build for corporates utilises virtualisation to give maximum flexibility for server management, migration, upgrade, and disaster recovery. The additional investment required to deploy virtual servers is minimal, and results in more predictable and reliable IT.
How a virtual server works
As virtual server is a full operating system "typically Server 2019 on the latest installs) running inside another operating systems built on a physical server. It is a server within a server.

Advantages of virtualisation
Using virtualisation allows you to create multiple virtual servers running alongside each other on the same physical platform. This allows you to allocate resources, manage workloads better, and keep key services separate. For example the digital imaging server can be on a different server to your Exact server, both separate from a third server acting as the domain controller and file server. All running on the same physical machine. Even running just one virtual server is better than using only a physical machine, as this makes migrations, backups, restores and upgrades to that server easier, safer and faster.

Why would you not virtualise?
It is marginally more expensive to use virtualisation as the "host" server has to be somewhat better specified than it otherwise would be, with more capacity, a faster processor and more RAM. However this additional cost is small in an overall IT installation.

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