Our custom built ticket system, Flare, allows you to browse all your group's tickets by site, by user, by type, and gives you and your practice managers or area managers visibility of all IT issues affecting your practices. You can see reports that give you not only maximum transparency, but reassurance that issues are being dealt with promptly and capably, and that patterns of faults are being spotted and remedied.
App based ticket system
Traditional ticket systems are web or email based. Our ticket system is app based, making it flexible, powerful and responsive, on desktop and on mobile

Industry leading
ticketing system
Chat based interface
Our main interface is chat based, and will be intuitive to any of your staff already familiar with mainstream chat based applications.

Manager interface
Your managers have full visibility of all open tickets being worked on across any and all sites that they are responsible for.

Speed of response
Flare is designed to enable short, fast and effective communications between your teams and our helpdesk staff.

Have a project in mind?
Dental IT offer a free of charge, no commitment, remote audit to any dental practice. To contact us about this, or get a quote for support, or for any other enquiry, please complete this form and we will contact you back.